Support the SC New Play Festival

and become a VIP for 2024!

The SC New Play Festival is a registered 501(c)3 with Tax ID number 92-0750879. We are registered as a non-profit charitable organization with the State of South Carolina and the City of Greenville. You can use the form below to make a tax-deductible donation online, or you can mail a check to our PO Box, made out to the “SC New Play Festival”.

SC New Play Festival

PO Box 1205
Greenville, SC 2960

Please note, VIPs are able to reserve seats at least two months before they are available to the general public!

VIP Levels

$2,500 - Box Seat

Guarantees four seats to all presentations of new plays, musicals, and variety pieces. Provides you with 4 invitations to the opening night cocktail reception AND 2 attendees at the pre-festival Meet and Greet with actors and playwrights.

Helps support the cost of advertising in order to make the SNPF a destination event.

$ 5,000 - Front Row

Guarantees four seats to all presentations of new plays, musicals, and variety pieces. Provides you with 4 invitations to the opening night cocktail reception AND 4 attendees at the pre-festival Meet and Greet with actors and playwrights. PLUS free merchandise and gifts available with you concierge access.

Helps us bring in a writer or writing team and work with them in the months leading up to the festival.

$10,000 - Show Sponsor

Guarantees eight seats to all presentations of new plays, musicals, and variety pieces.Provides you with 4 invitations to the opening night cocktail reception AND 4 attendees pre-festival Meet and Greet with actors, directors, and playwrights. Plus your name listed above the play’s title as the sponsor of the play.

You are an angel who helps by sponsoring a reading, panel, or cabaret and allows the SCNPF to offer reserved tickets FREE OF CHARGE to the general public.

$150 - Standing Room

Guarantees one seat to all presentations of new plays, musicals, and variety pieces. Helps support us with costs like printing, binders, and rehearsal supplies.

$250 - Balcony

Guarantees one seat to all presentations of new plays, musicals, and variety pieces. Provides you with an invitation to the opening night cocktail reception.

Helps support hotel costs for our out-of-town talent.

$500 - Mezzanine

Guarantees two seats to all presentations of new plays, musicals, and variety pieces.Provides you with 2 invitations to the opening night cocktail reception.

Helps support the cost of an actor or stage manager during the rehearsal process.

$1,000 - Orchestra

Guarantees four seats to all presentations of new plays, musicals, and variety pieces. Provides you with 4 invitations to the opening night cocktail reception.

Helps support the cost of plane tickets and bringing actors to and from New York and California.