Schedule an Audition

Sign up below to schedule an audition on May 18 for the 2024 SC New Play Festival happening in Greenville August 7-11. We are seeking performers for public readings of new plays and musicals in development for the third season of the South Carolina New Play Festival.

We are looking for performers of all races, ethnicities, sexualities, gender identities and body types. Please prepare a monologue under 2-minutes or 32 bars of a song. An accompanist will be provided. If you need to schedule a virtual audition, send an email to

Below you’ll find a breakdown of all the roles in this year’s festival.


by Donnetta Lavinia Grays

directed by Tamilla Woodard

JOSH WHITE, he/him, 20s-40s. A Black American singer, songwriter, actor and civil rights activist who grew up in South Carolina during the 1920s and found fame in New York and Hollywood in the 1940s and 1950s. Josh is a virtuoso guitarist and must be able to play guitar and sing. He possesses a magnetic personality full of warmth, charisma and charm.


by Adam Gwon

directed by Jonathan Silverstein

RICKY ALLEMAN, he/him, 30s, high school math teacher. Passionate and optimistic. Eager but careful, a people-pleaser. Tenor.

SAM BUCKNAM, she/her, 17, high school student. A tomboy and an outsider. Wry, rebellious, figuring herself out. Alto.

MICHAEL HALLETT, he/him, 30s, owner of a bookstore. Exuberant, with a tough skin. Charmingly, unapologetically queer. Tenor.

DEDE ROZENEL, she/her, 40s-50s, high school administrative secretary. Traditional but not a rube. A protector. Mezzo.


by Jake Brasch

directed by Shelley Butler

PHIL ACKER: (he/him) late 70's-early 80's. A Parrothead. He's physically spry, but an anxious mess. He's a Brooklyn-born Jewish retired orthodontist. He wears his heart on his sleeve. Comic chops essential.

SUZE ACKER: (she/her) early 70's. Also a Parrothead. She's content to live out her days on her EZ chair in her Florida apartment. She's wry, funny, competent, but largely withholding...until she isn't. 


by Sophie Boyce and Veronica Mansour

music directed by Anessa Marie

KATE - She/her. A shrew. Which is, of course, a way of describing a woman who speaks her mind and stands up for what she believes in. She is sharp-tongued, quick-tempered, very good fun and very shrewd. Alto/mezzo E3 - Bb6 (occasional belt) 

JULIET - She/her. A teenager. Innocent, endearing, passionate, with more wit than she is ever given credit for. She wears her heart on her sleeve proudly; her devotion is her strength. Soprano F3 - C6 

VIOLA - She/her. Viola is intelligent, witty and effortlessly endearing. She is queen of disguise; hidden in plain sight under everybody's noses; getting herself where she needs to be with artfulness and grace. Mezzo F3 - A5 

LADY MACBETH - She/her. The oldest of the four. Strong, ruthless and ambitious. She holds no prisoners and will not mince her words to spare one's feelings. Alto/mezzo E3 - F5 (occasional belt) 

EMILIA - She/her. 20s. The queen of ingenuity, the woman behind the quill, the mastermind. Quick-witted, sharp tongued and unfailingly honest. Emilia's self-belief and passion can get her in hot water, especially when it renders her incapable of buttoning her lip. There's a naivety about her still. Alto/mezzo D3 - F5 (occasional belt) 

HENRY / ALFONSO (played by the same actor): Lord Henry Carey (50s/60s). He/him. He is affluent, pompous, privileged. He’s all champagne corks and lap dances, permanently tipsy and does not want his buzz killed by sensible conversation. He’s never had to strain for anything and he doesn’t intend to start now. Think Matt Berry/Bill Nighy.  Bass/baritone G2 - G4 / Alfonso - He/Him. A conceited, spoiled man who doesn't have as much power as he feels he ought to, so yields the little power he has cruelly. Think Joffrey Baratheon. Bass/baritone G2 - G4 

SUSAN - (60s). She/her. No-nonsense, sharp but deeply caring. Realistic about a woman's place in the world. She loves Emilia like her own daughter, but her stiff upper lip prevents her from being too openly affectionate about it. Alto // E3 - D5


by Melvin Tunstall III and Greg Dean Browosky

directed by Banji Aborisade

music directed by Nick Wilders

PORTICO  REEVES, he/him, Black, age 8 but played by an adult.Our hero with the frets and a heart of gold. Tenor

ZOLA BREWER, she/her, Black, age 8 but played by an adult. Portico’s best friend. Smarter than them all. Mezzo-Soprano

HERBERT SINGLETARY THE WORST, he/him, any Ethnicity, age 8 but played by an adult. Our villain with a twist. Bully. 


ZOLA'S DAD he/him. Black adult male doubling as: MR.REEVES/TEACHER/PATER/SOUP/PATER AND MATER'S DAD. Black Female. Tenor

Auditions will occur on May 18 at the South Carolina Children’s Theatre in Greenville, South Carolina. When arriving for your audition you must use the education entrance door at the end of the very colorful walkway at the back side of the South Carolina Children’s Theatre. There is NO parking allowed at SCCT for auditioners.